SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm)

 SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm)

History of SHA family

SHA-0 (originally named just SHA) was a 160-bit hash function that was published in 1993 by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and withdrawn shortly because of a flaw. 

SHA-1 was also a 160-bit function that was replacement for SHA-0 (published in 1995 by NASA).

SHA-2 consists of two hash functions SHA-256 and SHA-512 (Developed by NASA in 2001 and 2004)

Main difference between the SHA algorithms are output string sizes.

How secure is SHA

Despite the fact that SHA-1 is no longer recommended for fell funded attackers, SHA-512 and SHA-256 are still very safe. Here is a video that explains how safe SHA-256 explains how long would it take to break SHA-256:

Why should you be interested in SHA-256?

SHA-256 is a really safe way to encrypt data and it is used by a lot of websites and banks, and even by the very famous bitcoin (more about bitcoin in my other post). But why would you care about it? Firstly SHA-256 is allowed for public use and you could use it to encrypt your own data or just read about it and educate yourself.

More about SHA-256 and it’s Characteristics?

SHA-256 is a hashing algorithm that takes an input that can vary from a single letter to thousands of words and turns it into a fixed 256 bit-sized string. And it’s usefulness comes from the fact that it is a ‘one way function’ meaning that there is no way to take the 256 bit-sized string and get the original input (currently the only way to get original input is to guess it and it takes a REALLY long time). And it also changes completely every time a single digit is changed, for example “A random sentence” has an output of “2f1a4a7877237bfca0cafa6a0e229de40aa924f4cb7035795b6095a1e91127e2”, while when you were to add a punctuation to end of it (“A random sentence.”), it would change to  “8c7b6b7feb64849815099a9b90b74f007f14254f644092123cc13d5b931c2dea”. But what makes it really useful is that it is deterministic, meaning it will always produce the same output, given the same input. So you can go to and get the same string from “A random sentence”.

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